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FIbaro Ikoner

Posted: 14 Sep 2022, 22:51
by MickeS
Vad har hänt med alla egna ikoner i HC2 ?

Dom är bara borta, och lägger man till så blir det bara error

Re: FIbaro Ikoner

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 00:18
by Systemfel
kör du den senaste versionen ? läste att det var problem med den näst sista versionen i programvaran

Re: FIbaro Ikoner

Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 17:53
by MickeS
Viken är den näst sista och vilken är senaste ?

Re: FIbaro Ikoner

Posted: 19 Oct 2022, 20:11
by Systemfel
Update 4.630 är senaste enligt fibaro,s hemsida

Resolved issues:
- Z-Wave service stops responding after updating to 4.620 and using previously added thermostat.
- Few instances of Thermostat & Heating Zone plugin results in system crash.
- In some cases, Home Center Lite gateway stops responding after some time.
- Losing master-slave synchronization after some time in gateway connection mode.
- Master gateway does not detect "central scene" actions on devices added to connected gateways.
- Connected slave gateway need manual synchronization to restore its connection.
- Incorrect default values of FIBARO Heat Controller configuration parameters.
- Sending setProtection action to external sensor of FIBARO Heat Controller result in system crash.
- Issues with thermostat controlled by Alexa voice assistant.
- Issue with taking a camera snapshot and sending to e-mail.
- Sending empty notification if this notification was previously removed.
- No possibility to use custom icons uploaded in one of the previous firmware versions. ]
- Tedee lock plugin stops responding after some time and needs rebooting the gateway.
- Cannot manually set a date later than 2021-12-31.
- No pin for setting location via remote access.
- Other minor fixes.

Update 4.621 BETA var näst senaste

Re: FIbaro Ikoner

Posted: 01 Nov 2022, 00:46
by MickeS

Tack tack.

Konstiga är dock att jag inte kan ladda in dom på nytt heller.