Simulate Presence (Semesterläge) v1.0.4
Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 17:46
Ny version av Simulate Presence (Semesterläge)
Simu_presence ska vara en global variabel med On och Off fördefinierat, overideSimuSunset ska vara vanlig variabel
zip filen innehåller den virtuell enhet som behövs för att aktivera scenen.
2st variabler behövs Simu_presence och overideSimuSunsetSimu_presence ska vara en global variabel med On och Off fördefinierat, overideSimuSunset ska vara vanlig variabel
zip filen innehåller den virtuell enhet som behövs för att aktivera scenen.
Code: Select all
%% autostart
%% properties
%% globals
-- LUA - Presence Simulator at Home
-- Modified by Jonny Larsson (jompa68)
-- 2014-06-23
-- New features (sunset can be overrided), rewritten som lua code
-- and moved code from virtual mainloop to scene
-- 2014-01-24
-- Changed from fixed START TIME to sunsetHour and to STOP Hour and Minute.
-- Simulate a presence when you're on vacation.
-- A part of code is reused, it can found here. Thanx to Richo:
--------------------- USER SETTINGS --------------------------------
local stop_hour = "23"; -- Hour when you want simulation to stop
local stop_minute = "00"; -- Minute of the hour you want simulation to stop
local rndmaxtime = 20 -- random time of light change in minutes --> here each device is on max 20min
local ID_devices_lights = {133,148} -- IDs of lights to use in simulation
local activatePush = true; -- activate push when simulation starts and stops
local ID_Smartphone = 141; -- ID of your smartphone
-- 2 variable needed, Simu_presence(predefined ("On" and "Off") and overrideSimuSunset ("0" and "1")
-- Future release
-- Check if variable exist, if not then create them
--------------------- USER SETTINGS END ----------------------------
----------------------ADVANCED SETTINGS-----------------------------
local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();
local showStandardDebugInfo = true; -- Debug shown in white
local showExtraDebugInfo = true; -- Debug shown in orange
local numbers_lights = #ID_devices_lights --numbers of light devices listed above
local simu = fibaro:getGlobal("Simu_presence"); --value of the global value: simulation is on or off
local manualOveride = fibaro:getGlobal("overideSimuSunset");
----- Do not change code below ----
local simu = fibaro:getGlobal("Simu_presence"); --value of the global value: simulation is on or off
local start_simu = fibaro:getValue(1, "sunsetHour"); --Start simulation when sunset
local minute = 60000 --in milliseconds
local start ="%H:%M")
local time = os.time()
local date ="*t", time)
local year = date.year
local month = date.month
local day =
local endtime = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=stop_hour, min=stop_minute, sec=sec}
version = "1.0.4"
SimulatorPresenceEngine = {};
-- debug function
Debug = function ( color, message )
fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span"));
ExtraDebug = function (debugMessage)
if ( showExtraDebugInfo ) then
Debug( "orange", debugMessage);
StandardDebug = function (debugMessage)
if ( showStandardDebugInfo ) then
Debug( "white", debugMessage);
-- function push message to mobile
pushMessage = function (sendPush)
if (activatePush) then
ExtraDebug("Push info sent to mobile")
fibaro:call(ID_Smartphone, 'sendPush', sendPush);
-- function to switch off devices in the list
function SimulatorPresenceEngine:TurnOff(group)
Debug("red","TurnOff lights!")
local name, id;
local ID_devices_group = group;
for i=1, #ID_devices_group do
id = tonumber(ID_devices_group[i]);
fibaro:call(id, "turnOff");
name = fibaro:getName(id);
if (name == nil or name == string.char(0)) then
name = "Unknown"
StandardDebug("Device:" .. name .. " Off ");
-- function to simulate a presence
function SimulatorPresenceEngine:Launch()
ExtraDebug( "Simulation will stop: "..stop_hour..":"..stop_minute );
if (os.time() >= endtime) or (simu == "Off") or (manualOveride == "0") then
ExtraDebug("Simulation stopped")
pushMessage("Lights simulation started")
while ((os.time() <= endtime) and (simu == "On")) or ((os.time() <= endtime) and (simu == "On") and (manualOveride == "1")) do
if time == endtime then StandardDebug("same value") end
local random_light = tonumber(ID_devices_lights[math.random(numbers_lights)]) --choose a random light in the list
local lightstatus = fibaro:getValue(random_light, 'value') --get the value of the random light in the list
-- turn on the light if off or turn off if on
if tonumber(lightstatus) == 0 then fibaro:call(random_light, 'turnOn') else fibaro:call(random_light, 'turnOff') end
fibaro:sleep(1000) ; --necessary to get back the new status, because HC2 is too fast :-)
lightstatus = fibaro:getValue(random_light, 'value') --get the value of the random light after his update
StandardDebug('light ID:'..random_light..' status:'..lightstatus)
local sleeptime = math.random(rndmaxtime*minute) --random sleep
local sleeptimemin = math.abs(sleeptime/60000)
simu = fibaro:getGlobal("Simu_presence"); --verify the global value, if the virtual device is deactivated, the scene stops.
manualOveride = fibaro:getGlobalValue("overideSimuSunset")
--turn Off all lights
sunset = 0
-- Condition to start simulation
if ("%H:%M") >= start_simu) then
sunset = 1 else sunset = 0
if (simu == "On") then
Debug("green", "Simulate Precense at Home | v" .. version );
Debug( "green", "--------------------------------------------------");
ExtraDebug("Todays sunset: "..fibaro:getValue(1, "sunsetHour"))
if (simu == "On") then Debug("grey", "Simulate Precense will normally start:"..start_simu) end
if ((simu == "On") and os.time() <= endtime and sunset == 1 ) or ((simu == "On") and os.time() <= endtime and manualOveride == "1" ) then
SimulatorPresenceEngine:Launch(); --launch the simulation when virtual device is on, and the current time is triggered.
if manualOveride == "1" and sunset == 0 then Debug("grey", "Manual override activated")
elseif sunset == 1 then Debug("grey", "It's sunset time!")
if sunset == 0 and manualOveride == "0" then
Debug("grey", "Not manual overided so Simulate Precense will not be activated before sunset");
elseif os.time() >= endtime then
Debug("grey", "Time is now after:"..stop_hour..":"..stop_minute );
if (simu == "Off") then
Debug("red","Simulation is deactivated")
pushMessage("Lights simulation stopped")