Fibaro wallplug som slås av om effekt förbrukningen är mindre än 30watt
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%% properties
56 valueSensor --(change to your ID)
%% globals
local id = 56 --wallplugg ID(change to your ID)
local wallplug1 = fibaro:getValue(id, "valueSensor")
local value = 30; -- 30watt
local timer = 30 -- seconds
fibaro:debug ("Wallplug consums now: " ..wallplug1.. " watt");
if tonumber(wallplug1) < tonumber(value) then
--protection before autoturn off on start (wait 2s before will check again power and will turn off it)
while timer > 0 do
timer = timer - 1
if (timer ==0) then
if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "value")) == 1 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "valueSensor")) < tonumber(value)) then
fibaro:call(id, "turnOff")
fibaro:debug("Low power consumption, turn off wallplug")
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%% autostart
%% properties
87 value
%% globals
-- Create variable "timerFan"
--87 value = ID of humidity sensor
--Scene purpose
--IF humidity is over 60%, turnON fan and set it to run in 10minutes
local sceneId = 62 --ID of this scene, used to detect number of instances run
local timerEndTime = 10 --Minutes to keep the fan turned on after PIR detects movement
local timer = "timerFan" --Name of global variabel to control the timer
local timerValue = fibaro:getGlobalValue(timer) --Current value of global variabel for timer
local humidity = fibaro:getValue(87, "value")
local humValue = "60" -- Humidity threshold in %
local fan = 89 --fan to be controlled by this scene
fibaro:debug("Check of humidity, right now: "..humidity.."%.")
if (humidity > humValue) then --If humidity is over 60, turnON fan
fibaro:call(fan, "turnOn") --TurnON fan
fibaro:setGlobal(timer, timerEndTime) --Set global variabel for timer
while (fibaro:getGlobalValue(timer) ~= "0") do
--Loop used to control timer, each loop 1 minute and continues
--as long as timer variabel isn't 0
timerValue = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue(timer)) --Get current value of global variabel timer
fibaro:setGlobal(timer, timerValue-1) --Decrease global variabel for timer with 1 minute
fibaro:debug("Fan is on. Timervalue: ".. fibaro:getGlobalValue("timerFan"))
fibaro:sleep(60*1000) --Wait 1 minute
fibaro:call(fan, "turnOff") --Turn off
elseif fibaro:countScenes(sceneId) > 1 then
--if scene is already running the set timer to 30 minutes
fibaro:debug("Already running, sets timer to 10")
fibaro:setGlobal(timer, timerEndTime) --set global variabel for timer to 5 minutes
fibaro:debug("Humidity is now: "..humidity.."%")
fibaro:debug("New instance, totalt = " .. fibaro:countScenes(sceneId))
fibaro:debug("End, instances = " .. fibaro:countScenes(sceneId))
fibaro:setGlobal(timer, "0")
Skärmbild som visar variabel
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%% autostart
%% properties
%% globals
-- Skapa fördefinerade variabler PresentState and TimeOfDay
if ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("PresentState") == "Hemma" and fibaro:getGlobalValue("TimeOfDay") == "Skymning" ) then
fibaro:call(137, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(56, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(58, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(200, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(75, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(186, "turnOn");
fibaro:call(200, "turnOn")
fibaro:debug("Någon hemma så tänder lite lampor")
else fibaro:debug("Ingen hemma!")
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%% properties
246 sceneActivation
%% globals
-- Config ------------------------------------------------
local hall = {id = 246, virtDev = 214}
local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger();
if (trigger['type'] ~= "property") then
fibaro:debug ("Unexpected source trigger '" .. trigger['type'] .. "'");
fibaro:abort ();
local id = tonumber (trigger['deviceID']);
local scene = tonumber (fibaro:getValue (id, "sceneActivation"));
if ((id == hall['id']) and (scene == 26)) then -- 1 click
fibaro:setGlobal("Hemma", "1")
fibaro:debug("S2 -1 click - Hemma")
elseif ((id == hall['id']) and (scene == 24)) then -- 2 click
fibaro:setGlobal("SleepState", "Sova")
fibaro:setGlobal("TimeOfDay", "Natt")
fibaro:debug("S2 -2 click - Sova")
elseif ((id == hall['id']) and (scene == 25)) then -- 3 click
fibaro:setGlobal("Hemma", "0")
fibaro:call(hall['virtDev'], "pressButton", "3"); --Skickar push
fibaro:debug("S2 -3 click - Går hemifrån")
Scene #1
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%% properties
130 value
98 value
%% globals
PIR/DoorSensor Timer
original by jompa68
Modified by jompa68, robmac
1.0.0 original 28-07-2013
1.0.1 major improvments, fixes and comments 29-07-2013
If PIR or door sensor activites by movement or open doors lights will turnOn
for XX minutes, if movement or doors reopen within clockTimer it will kill running
scenes and start a new instance of same scene and clockTimer will start from 5
Needs to have a resetScene defined in your HC2 system
local sceneId = 88 --ID of this scene, used to detect number of instances run
local cancelSceneId = 136 --ID of the cancel scene,
local resetSceneId = 138 --ID of the reset scene,
local varValue = fibaro:getGlobalValue("TimeOfDay") -- check variable status. Needs to be created.
local triggerValue = fibaro:getValue(130, "value") --PIR value that activated this scene
local triggerDoor = fibaro:getValue(98, "value") -- Door sensor
local lights = 134 --light to be controlled by this scene
local clockTimer = 5 --Minutes to keep lights on
if (fibaro:countScenes(sceneId) > 1) then
if (triggerDoor == "1" or triggerValue == "1" and varValue == "Natt") or (triggerDoor == "1" or triggerValue == "1" and varValue == "Morgon") or (triggerDoor == "1" or triggerValue == "1" and varValue == "Skymning") then
fibaro:debug("Triggered again, will reset timer")
fibaro:startScene(resetSceneId); -- kill the running instance that is sleeping
-- should not get here but if we do just quit
elseif varValue == "Morgon" or varValue == "Skymning" or varValue == "Natt" then
if triggerDoor == "1" or triggerValue == "1" then
--Announce start
fibaro:debug(" -|- Start: ""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",os.time()))
fibaro:call(lights, "turnOn")
fibaro:debug(" -|- Sensor activated: clockTimer = " .. clockTimer.."min")
fibaro:sleep(60 * 1000 * clockTimer) -- Wait so variable is set
fibaro:call(lights, "turnOff")
fibaro:debug(" -|- Nothing triggered, turnOff lights")
fibaro:debug(" -|- End: ""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",os.time()))
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%% properties
%% globals
local sceneControlID = 88
while (fibaro:countScenes(sceneControlID) > 0) do
fibaro:killScenes(sceneControlID); -- Does this kill the running instance that is sleeping?
--restart the main scene that will run for 5 more minutes
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Kommer visas här
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Kommer visas här
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Kommer visas här
Använder ikonerna som finns här: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=4134
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%% properties
%% globals
function getIcon(lowest)
if (lowest >= 90) then return 1070
elseif (lowest >= 40) then return 1071
elseif (lowest >= 20) then return 1072
else return 1073 end
local isBatteryOperated = "1"
local minbattLevel = 15 --alarm level!
local i = 0
local maxNodeID = 500
local lowest = 100
local name
local flag = 0
for i = 0, maxNodeID do
local type = fibaro:get (i, 'isBatteryOperated');
x , y = string.find (type, isBatteryOperated )
if x ~= nill
name = fibaro:getName(i)
batterylevel = fibaro:getValue (i, 'batteryLevel')
if tonumber(batterylevel) == 255 then
batterylevel = 10
if lowest > tonumber(batterylevel) then
lowest = tonumber(batterylevel)
fibaro:debug("ID = "..i..", Namn:""\t - \t batteri nivå: "..batterylevel.."%")
if tonumber(batterylevel) <= minbattLevel then
flag = 1
fibaro:call(240, 'setProperty', 'ui.Battery.value',"Lågt batteri: "" "..batterylevel.."%")
fibaro:debug("Låg batteri nivå på ID:"..i.." Namn:"" "..batterylevel.."%")
--fibaro:call(229, "sendPush", "Låg batteri nivå på \n "" ID:"..i.." - "..batterylevel.."%")
elseif flag == 0 then
fibaro:call(240, 'setProperty', 'ui.Battery.value',"Allt ok. Lägsta: " ..lowest .."%")
fibaro:call(240, "setProperty", "currentIcon", getIcon(lowest));
fibaro:call(240, "setProperty", "currentIcon", getIcon(lowest));